How to return to mountain biking after an injury?

mountain biking injury

Whether due to an injury caused by practicing mountain biking, by any other sport, or a road accident, we are surrounded by the question of when it is convenient to get back on the bicycle. Always choose high quality bike such as the mongoose 26 mountain bike. This article will give basic recommendations that will help make the return to mountain biking or even any other type of cycling or sport more bearable.

Be patient

Patience is the key to a speedy recovery. In advance, we know that getting hurt was not within the plans, and wanting to return to training runs through the veins. However, you must learn to be patient. Injuries take time to heal, and returning before that time may complicate the injury or disrupt the natural healing process. We know it is difficult, but being patient is the best ally to get back on the bike.


Every accident requires physical rehabilitation. Even as tiny as it may seem. For example, if you have sprained your ankle while walking and it has been bandaged for a long time, we know that it is difficult to bend, move, or even walk when removing the bandage at first. To regain mobility, you have to re-strengthen that ankle by doing exercises to help you regain your mobility. The same happens for any injury we suffer to any part of the body. Rehabilitation consists of a series of exercises for the injured limb to regain mobility, flexibility, and strength progressively from less to greater intensity.

Rehabilitation is given by the doctor who attended and/or reviewed the injury, and the exercises depend on the type of injury and severity that has been suffered. I mean, it’s not the same rehabilitation for someone who sprained their foot, someone who broke their hand. It can be said that physical rehabilitation serves to teach the body again how to move or bend.

Mobilize your body

If the injury allows it and it does not cost you much work or pain, you should avoid falling into a sedentary lifestyle during those weeks or months that you are off the bike. Talking with the doctor will be ideal for him to recommend other exercises for the rest of the body, so you will not lose the condition you have or gain weight.

Regain lost strength

We are generally forced to rest the injured limb or part of the body when we injure ourselves. This causes our strength and muscle to be lost. When the doctor gives freedom to use the injured limb, you should gradually regain strength.

Returning from an injury is done progressively. At first, you will not be able to carry the weight that you used to carry. You must go little by little for weeks, even months, until you recover the lost strength.

Adaptation period

We must take into account that you cannot return immediately after an injury with the same intensity or physical condition that you had before the accident.

There is a period of adaptation that is intertwined with rehabilitation and recovery of strength. This adaptation period also goes hand in hand with the physical condition or training that one has with the sport. Therefore, this adaptation period will take less work for a cycling professional than for a person who does mountain biking for recreation.

We are not saying that the level that was had will not be recovered. We are only saying that it is an adaptation period in which the body will surely take time to adapt to recover the physical condition that it had. If you are persistent in training, once you return, you will be able to recover the condition and level you had in the scheduled time that the doctor indicates with physical rehabilitation.

Get back on the bike

Many people hesitate to return to the sport when injured while mountain biking for fear of falling again. If we do this, our body and mind are left in a traumatic moment and, the mind closes to the idea of overcoming fear and recovering.

Accessories and equipment

The recommendation is to get back on the bike little by little to lose fear. And the best way to achieve it is to do it progressively. One recommendation is to do routes that are familiar to you and with an adequate level. This is good for regaining confidence with yourself and on the bike.

Learn to listen to your body

When returning to cycling after an injury, we must be aware of what our body wants to tell us. Rehabilitation helps us get back to our activities as soon as possible, but it is necessary to listen to the body. It is normal to feel some pain when performing rehabilitation exercises and even while on the bike in action, but if this pain is exaggerated or intolerable, it is time to stop. Remember that returning to sport is a progressive process. So if it hurts a lot, stop and take a step back in your effort. Perhaps you are not yet ready to advance to that exercise or effort.

Safety tips for mountain biking

Do not overestimate your physical condition. Be aware that you have suffered an injury and, therefore, you must go little by little in return for sport. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you need it or ask for guidance from a person who has experience in the matter.

Use accessories and equipment that protect us when we return to the bike. Helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads are essential if you want to avoid new injuries.

Be aware of our surroundings. Before starting your route, take a few minutes to observe what is around you and identify possible dangers.

Start with easy routes and increase difficulty gradually. This will help us regain our confidence on the bike and strength after a trauma.

When returning to mountain biking after an injury, it is important to go gradually. The body needs time to adapt and regain the strength lost as a result of the accident. It is also important to use caution when riding and to be aware of our surroundings. With patience and a little bit of effort, we can return safely to the sport we love.

Get confidence back on MTB

Many people who have suffered an injury while mountain biking often ask this question. The answer is not easy and depends on many factors, such as the type of injury, its severity, the physical condition of the cyclist before the accident, and, of course, rehabilitation. It is important to remember that we cannot return immediately after an injury with the same level of effort or performance that we had before.

The body will need time to adapt and it is important to listen to our physical condition. Cycling is a sport that can be resumed gradually, little by little, with routes and levels that are familiar to us and with the necessary safety precautions. Professional cyclists have an easier time returning to the saddle than those who practice cycling exclusively for pleasure and, in fact, they usually do it quickly.

To finish these tips, we must remember that each person is different and that they will not recover equally. We should not be overwhelmed if colleagues return to the bike faster. One must take their own time to feel capable of returning to cycling, and that is why one must learn to listen to the body. In any case, it is never advisable to stay home and wait for things to improve. There is always the option to continue training, even if it is different.

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