What makes a window a basement window?

What makes a window a basement window

Basement windows are important to your home’s energy efficiency and overall comfort. However, there’s more to them than meets the eye; they come in different shapes and sizes depending on their intended purpose and can make all the difference when it comes time for you to install them. The article is presented by houseilove.com.

Windows intended for use in basement walls must be carefully made

Although these are things most people don’t think about, they’re the reason that basement windows must be carefully made. It can break if a window isn’t made of strong materials and doesn’t hold up under pressure. If this happens, the contents of your basement will run out into your backyard (or worse yet your neighbor’s yard).

In addition to being strong enough to withstand all these pressures, your new basement window should also be tested for water tightness. Water-tightness is important because if cracks or openings in the glass allow water to leak through them, you’ll have problems with mold and mildew growth within the walls of your home (which not only smells bad but can also cause health issues).

What makes a window a basement window
Image source: google

They have different installation requirements

Basement windows have different installation requirements than other types of windows. They must be installed in a basement wall and are generally required to be able to open and be accessed from the outside of the house since stairs can’t easily access them (and often aren’t even big enough to allow someone to climb through). In some cases, they may need to comply with other building codes that don’t apply to other styles of windows. You can go through the replacing steel frame basement windows.

They have different structural requirements

Basement windows are more likely to be damaged, have water damage and air leakage, and therefore require different structural considerations than other windows.

Like any other home window, basement windows should be kept clean. The dirty glass will reduce its ability to let light in. You can clean your basement window with a rag or paper towels dampened with water or vinegar. A squeegee is also helpful for removing excess water after cleaning, so you don’t leave streaks on the glass pane.

Some basement windows are easier to break into

Because it’s not as easy to break a basement window as it is to break a regular window or door, most people don’t consider them to be an issue.

However, suppose you live in an apartment building or some other multi-level home and have a basement or cellar window accessible from the outside. In that case, you may want to think twice before leaving your belongings in plain view through your basement window.

There are countless stories of burglars breaking into homes through the basement windows because they know just how vulnerable those areas are on older homes with no security systems.

Basement windows are more likely to be damaged

Basement windows are more likely to be damaged than other windows because they’re more exposed. Basements often have less light and ventilation, so moisture can build up in the area. If a basement window is left open or cracked, it’s much easier for this moisture to seep inside. Moisture can cause problems with your basement window, from mold growth on the glass itself to warping or rotting of its frame. This damage is hard to repair and costs your money every year as you replace broken glass or repair warped frames.

If you’ve had issues with your basement window before (and I’m sure we all have), here are some tips for keeping yours in good shape:

Leave your basement windows closed when they’re not being used so that no moisture gets inside. If you need fresh air from outside during colder months, use an exhaust fan instead of opening up one side completely. It will still get rid of stale air without letting in raindrops or snowflakes!

Make sure all locks are working correctly so that no one who shouldn’t get into your home does so accidentally while trying out different keys randomly while looking around through one particular keyhole.


If you are considering installing a basement window in your home, you should think carefully about the type of window best suited for this application. You will want to ensure that the windows have been made with high-quality materials and workmanship so they will last for many years. It’s also important to install them correctly, so they don’t leak air or water into your basement when it rains outside! If you have any questions about this topic or need more information on how we can help with your next project, give us a call today!

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